• January 10, 2025

Apple has a huge number of advantages over other fruits. It can be a pillar of your health and diet. Namely, if you go on some other types of diets, you must take multivitamin tablets to maintain the most important life functions. In the case of an apple, this is not necessary because this fruit contains everything that is most important, i.e. vitamins, minerals and protective substances (beta-carotene and lutein). For example, a large apple contains 10 mg of vitamin C, which is enough to prevent scurvy (hypovitaminosis C). From a purely energy point of view, an apple contains an almost ideal amount of glucose, fructose and sucrose. The apple also contains the precious microelement boron (two apples contain 1 mg), which is very important for the prevention of osteoporosis. One more thing – pine stimulates brain activity and increases mental capacity.
Let’s not forget that apples contain a lot of soluble fiber; for example, a medium-sized apple contains as much as 5 g, which is about 20% of the total daily needs. Precisely thanks to this property, there is no digestive stagnation (constipation, constipation) with apples. And one more thing; the more fiber, the lower the level of insulin in the blood, and thus less hunger. Insulin is the enemy of those who lose weight, so the lower the better, the rule applies.

The apple contains quercetin and lutein in such favorable amounts that research conducted on 9,959 patients gave incredibly favorable results. Apple protects against lung cancer, i.e. patients who consumed five apples a day fell ill about 50% less than the control group. It is important to note that these were red and yellow apples, not green apples.

The apple is best raw and unpeeled because the most valuable ingredients are found under the peel or in the peel itself (the fibrous structure is in the peel), so peeling an apple before consumption means the same as throwing away chocolate and eating the paper it’s wrapped in. Another thing is to wash the peel well to remove any remaining sprays.

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